Eighth & May A writing solutions agency.

Scripts & Videos

Scripts & Videos Basics


Find the perfect words to say with professionally written manuscripts for viral content, speeches, webinars, instructional videos, and podcasts. Turn those top-quality scripts into flawless video content with a full-service production team.


Eighth & May recognizes that audiences respond well to video content. Prepare your business for success by commissioning scripts for webinars and instructional videos. We’ll make sure the on-brand language leaves an impression.


Available Services:

  • Scripts for Webinars and Instructional Videos
  • Creative Business Scripts for Speeches, Viral Video Content, and Podcasts
  • Custom Scripts
  • Full-Service Video Production


Scripts & Videos FAQs:


Why does my business need professionally written scripts for our video content?

Your target audience will evaluate your business based on the quality of your video content. A script – the starting point of all video content – showcases your brand voice, your creativity, and your professionalism. Make a fantastic first impression with a thorough, engaging, and professionally-crafted script that checks off all the boxes.


What are some tips to improve my business scripts?

While each script should be individually workshopped and targeted, here are some general tips to instantly improve your scripts:

  • Write like you speak, but with a bit more polish.
  • Use contractions and colloquialisms, but avoid being overly cutesy or cliché. Find a balance.
  • Write, then revise. Rarely is a first draft good enough.


What kind of video content can help my business?

If you’re looking to make one really great video, then the best thing you can do is create a spot that really shows off all the great features and benefits of your product or business. You want it to be relatively short and ultra-engaging. It’s a great investment, and can be pinned to the top of all your social media pages.


Have a question? Ready to talk? Contact us!

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